01535 606061 print@cbf.co.uk

We have taken great care to ensure this website is accessible to as many people as possible, including those with disabilities and those using mobile devices or screen readers.

Every effort has been made to comply with WCAG 2 accessibility guidelines as set out by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).


The website has been designed to look uncluttered and clean, to maximise usability and accessibility.


The site was built with the aim of meeting W3C standards in XHTML, CSS, usability and accessibility, and conforming to Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1 or later guidelines. If elements of the site do not meet these standards please let us know and we will endeavour to fix the problem.

Text resizing

  • PC – Internet Explorer (older versions, e.g.  version 8)
    Using the top menu bar, select Page then Text Size or Zoom
  • PC – Internet Explorer  (version 10 or later)

Type Alt-X to enter theSettings menu, then select Zoom.

  • PC – Other Browsers
    Hold down the CTRL key and press + to increase text size. Hold down the CTRL key and press – to decrease text size.
  • Mac – All Browsers
    Hold down the Command key and press + to increase text size. Hold down the Command key and press – to decrease text size.

Browser Support

We have made every effort to ensure the website displays consistently in various website browser and operating system combinations.

Every effort has been made to ensure this website remains accessible to users who choose to disable images, JavaScript or styles in their browser settings.

It is not feasible to test our website using every operating system & browser combination, however we do test to ensure our website displays correctly in the following browsers and operating systems.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox 7 or later
  • Apple Safari 5 or later
  • Google Chrome current version
  • Microsoft Windows 7/8, Vista, XP
  • Apple OS X
  • Apple iOS 5 or later

Where possible we also test on various Android devices